

Sacred Heart of Jesus

Seven Sorrows of Mary

Divine Mercy

Holy Rosary

Life Offering

Immaculate Heart of Mary

Rosary of the Holy Sores of Jesus

Via Crucis

The First Five Saturdays of Reparation

Chaplet to Archangel St. Michael

Act of Love

Fifteen prayers


Miraculous Medal

Mt. Carmel Scapular

Holy Spirit

Three Hail Maries

Hour of Grace

The sore on Jesus' shoulder

Divine Child Jesus

Divine Infant (Virgin Girl)

Holy Face

Name of Mary

Medal of St. Benedict

St. Joseph

Two great Novenas



History of Mary of the
Rosary of San Nicolas

The Victorious Queen
Of The World


To request prayers



Pope St. Pius V attributed the victory of Lepanto, on October 7, 1571 – whereby serious threats for the Christian faith disappeared -, to the intercession of the Most Holy Virgin, invoked in Rome and all the Christian orb by means of the Holy Rosary, and the Feast of the Holy Rosary was instituted and is celebrated the same day.  For this reason, the invocation Auxilium Christianorum was added to the Litanies.  Since then, this devotion to the Virgin constantly has been recommended by the Roman Pontiffs like a "public pleading and universal front to the ordinary and extraordinary necessities of the Holy Church, the nations and the entire world".  

The Church dedicates the month of October to honor especially Our Mother of Heaven through this Marian devotion, but we have to consider always especially the love and how we contemplate each one of its mysteries, if we put requests of holy requests, like those Christians who with their prayer obtained from the Virgin this so transcendental victory for all Christianity.  In front of so many difficulties that we experiment at times, before we ask for help in the apostolate, to get the families ahead, and to be closer to God, in the battles of our inner life, we cannot forget that, "like at other times, today the Holy Rosary is the most powerful weapon we have to win our inner fight, and to help all souls”. 

The Rosary "is a conversation with Mary who, leads us to intimacy with her Son".  The life of Jesus, through the Virgin, comes to us, thus we learn to love our Mother of Heaven. 

You who suppose this devotion to be
Monotonous, boring, and do not say it
because you always repeat words ….
you do not understand of loves and sadness:
what beggar got tired to ask for handouts,
what lover to say sweet things? 

We should all can and pray the Holy Rosary daily.  The prayer of the Rosary bring us closer to God. The Rosary relates the life to us of our Lord Jesus Christ and his Mother the Most Holy Virgin Mary. While going through the beads of the Rosary we contemplate with evangelical simplicity the joys, the pains and the glories of Jesus and Mary.  The meditation of the mysteries of the Rosary must lead us to imitate the virtues that we contemplate and to gain from the mysteries lessons and intentions to improve our life according to the norms of the Gospel, fulfilling faithfully the Commandments. 

The Virgin at San Nicholas requests us to pray the Holy Rosary daily for the following intentions: 



1. Sign of the Cross

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.

Said while making the sign of the Cross by moving the right hand from the forehead to the chest, to the left shoulder, then to the right shoulder.

We put ourselves in the presence of God and so that the oration arrives at the Sky, we humbly asked pardon the Gentleman by our lack (silence...) and say: 

2. Act of  Contrition 

“Oh my Lord, I deeply regret having offended You.  I am so sorry for the hell I deserve, and the heaven I lost – but what pains me the most – is that in sinning, I offended such a good God – such a great God as You.  I would have preferred to die, rather than offend you, and I firmly commit to sin no more – and to avoid any possibility of sin.  Amen.  

3.  We state:  In the first mystery, we contemplate:…..(we name the mystery that corresponds to the day(*) 

4.  We pray:

1 Our Father:  Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.  Amen  

10 Hail Maries:  Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with Thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.  Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.  Amen. 

1 Glory:  Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit As it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever.  Amen. 

We end each mystery by saying: "Oh My Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, take all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of your mercy". 

5. We continue praying in the same manner the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th mystery of the rosary.  

At the end of the Holy Rosary     we can say the following oration:  "Father, save us from all evil, - with your Holy Wisdom, Lord, save us from all sin.  In the name of everything we ask of you, Lord, take us through the righteous path.  Amen ". (This prayer was taught the Holy Virgin Mary of the Rosary of San Nicholas, and She promised that:  "Whoever says prayer for nine consecutive days followed by a Rosary, I will grant a special grace")   

We can at the end of the Rosary pray one Hail Holy Queen, Blessed be your Purity”, one Our Father and three Hail Maries to gain indulgences and for the intentions of the Holy Father, Benedict XVI.  If we have time we present the Holy Mother of God by saying the Loretian Litanies.  

(The prayers the oration of Salve and Bendita is your purity, along with the Loretian Litanies, are in the Section of basic Prayers of this site.) 

(To look up the passages of the Gospel to meditate the mysteries of Holy Rosary, click here)

(*)THE JOYFUL MYSTERIES (Pray Mondays & Saturdays)

1. The Annunciation to Mary: The Messenger of God, Gabriel, the Arcangel, announces to Mary that she is to be the Mother of God.  “Mary then replied:  I am the servant of the Lord.  Let it be done according to His will". (Lc. 1, 38) - By this mystery we ask the Most Holy Mother to learn to be humble and obedient to the Word of God.  

2. The Visitation of Mary to her cousin Elizabeth:  "In those days, Mary went on a journey to a town in the mountain of Judá (Lc. 1, 39)  to visit her cousin Elizabeth.”  Let us imitate the Holy Virgin Mary as we learn to sacrifice ourselves with joy, for our fellow man. -  Let us pray for the true Christian charity. 

3. The Nativity of Our Lord at the manger in Jerusalem.  "While they were in Bethlehem, the time arrived for Mary to be a mother; and Mary gave birth to her first-born, she swaddled him in diapers and she laid down him down in a manger ". (Lc. 2, 6-7) – Let us ask the Holy Virgin Mary detachment from material things.   

4. The Presentation of the Child Jesus in the Temple:  "When the day fixed by the Law of Moses for the purification arrived, they took baby Jesus to Jerusalem to be presented to the Lord". (Lc. 2, 22) - We request the Holy Virgin Mary for the virtue of obedience. 

5.  Jesus is lost and found at the Temple:  Jesus has been lost.  He is twelve years old.  Distressed and laboriously the Virgin looks for him with resignation.  "On the third day, he is found in the Temple in the midst of the doctors of the Law". (Lc. 2, 46) - We ask Mary great Christian resignation before the will of God. 


1. The Baptism in the Jordan

Jesus is baptized in the river Jordan by John the Baptist.  After being baptized, Jesus exited the river Jordan.  At that moment the heavens opened and the Holy Spirit descended in the form of a dove towards Jesus and a voice was heard to say: "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased."
 Matthew 3:13-17  Let us ask the Holy Mother to live our baptism faithful to Jesus Christ. 

2. The Self-Manifestation of Our Lord at the wedding of Cana. "Since wine was missing, Mary told Jesus.  Jesus replied:  What do we have to do with it?  My hour has not yet come."  His mother said to the servers, "Do whatever he tells you.    This one was first of the signs of Jesus and He did it in Caná of Galilee.  Thus He showed his glory and his  disciples believed in Him".  (Jn. 2, 3-5, 11)  Let us ask the most Holy Mary to acquiesce to the Lord. 

3. The announcement by Jesus of the Kingdom of God and its invitation to the conversion:  "There the Good News from God were proclaimed, saying:  The Time is near:   the Kingdom of God is close. Convert and believe the Good News ". (Mc. 1, 14-15) – Let us ask the Lord to send its Spirit to us, as to obtain a real conversion. 

4. The transfiguration de Jesus at Mount Tabor:  "While he prayed, the aspect of his face changed and his garments became overwhelmingly white….. From a cloud a Voice was then heard that said:  This is my Son, the Chosen one, listen to him". (Lc. 9, 29 and 35) -  Let us ask our Most Holy Virgin, that we may recognize in our brothers the face of Jesus. 

5. Jesus institutes the Eucharist:   "While they ate, Jesus took bread, blessed it, divided it and gave it to his disciples saying:  Take this and eat it, this is my Body.  Later he took a cup, gave thanks to them saying:  Drink all of you from it, because this is my Blood, the Blood of the Alliance, that is spilled by many for the remission of sins ". (TM 26, 26-28) - We ask Most Holy Mary to be worthy to receive the Body and the Blood of Jesus.

(*)THE SORROWFUL MYSTERIES (Pray Tuesday & Fridays) 

1.    The agony of Jesus in the Orchard of the Olive trees:  The night before his death in the Cross, Jesus, being God, knew that they were going to crucify goes up to the Mount of Olives to pray.  He fell to earth saying:  "My Father, if it is possible, that this chalice passes, but not my will, but yours be done". (TM 26, 39) - We ask the Most Holy Virgin to learn to pray.  

2.    The Scourging at the Pillar of our Lord: "Pontius Pilate commanded Jesus to be whipped". (Jn. 19, 1) - We request to the Most Holy Virgin to learn to suffer.  

3.    The Coronation with thorns: The soldiers made a crown with thorny bushes and placed put it on his head.  They covered with a red tunic, and approaching said to him: "Hail, king of the Jews", and slapped him. (Jn. 19, 2-3) - We ask the Virgin Mary for us to learn to accept the humiliations patiently.  

4.    Jesus with the Cross on the way to Calvary:  Jesus, carrying the cross, left the city heading for a place called "of the Skull", or Hebrew "Golgotha" in Hebrew. (Jn. 19, 17) - We ask the Virgin, to learn to accept and love our cross.  

5.    The Crucifixion and Death of Our Mr. Jesus Christ: "When they arrived at the place called “of the Skull ", they crucified him". (Lc. 23, 33). It was around noon. The sun eclipsed and complete darkness covered the Earth until three in the afternoon:  the veil of the Temple was torn in half.  Jesus, cried out: "Father, into your hands I entrust my spirit". And saying this, He expired. (Lc. 23, 44-46) – Let us ask the Most Holy Virgin that when the last moment of our life arrives, we have fulfilled well our mission on Earth.   

(*)THE GLORIOUS MYSTERIES (Pray Sundays & Wednesdays) 

1.  The Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ:  Upon entering the tomb, they saw a seated young man towards the right, dressed with a white robe.  They were surprised, but he said to them: "Do not fear.  You are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, the Crucified.  He has resuscitated, he is not here.”  (Mc. 16, 5-6) - If by the sin we had died to the grace, we ask the Virgin Maria to revive with Christ, by means of a sincere confession. 

2.  The Ascension of Our Lord to Heaven:  "You are witnesses to all this.  And I will send you what my Father has promised.  Remain in the city, until you are surrounded by the force that comes from above".  Later Jesus took them to the proximities of Betania and, raising his hands, he blessed them. While he blessed them, he was separated from them and taken to heaven”.  (Lc. 24, 48-51) - We request to the Most Holy Virgin to grow daily in our spiritual life. 

3.  The Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles:  "On Pentecost, they were all gathered at the same place.  Suddenly, a noise came from the sky similar to a gust of wind that resonated in throughout the house where they were.  Then they saw what appeared to be tongues of of fire, that descended separately on each one from them.  They were all filled with the Holy Spirit”.  (Facts 2, 1-4) -  We request to the Most Holy Virgin that the Holy Spirit always illuminates us to fulfill the will of God. 

4.  The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven:  "Finally, the Immaculate Virgin, preserved immune of all spot of original sin, having completed her earthly life, was taken in body and soul to the celestial glory (Lumen Gentium CAP VIII 59) - We ask God, to live on Earth a simple and humble life like Mary, so that we can reach a saintly death.   

5.  The Coronation of the Most Holy Virgin Mary as Queen of Heaven and Earth of all Creation:  “…….. and praised by the Lord as universal Queen in order that she resembled herself more to her Son, Lord of Lords, triumphant over sin and death”.  (Lumen Gentium CAP VIII 59) – Let us ask God to grant us a true and filial devotion to Mary and the grace to imitate her virtues faithfully, to reach heaven. 


1.    Whosoever shall faithfully serve me by the recitation of the Rosary shall receive signal graces.

2.  I promise my special protection and the greatest graces to all those who shall recite the Rosary.

3   The Rosary shall be the most powerful protection against hell, Vice will be destroyed, sin will decrease, and heresies will be defeated.

4   Through recital of the rosary, good works will flourish; souls will receive abundant mercy from God.  The hearts of men will distance themselves from material things and its vanities, and will elevate them to the desire for Eternal Things.  The souls would be well advised to be sanctified in this manner.

5   The soul that devotes itself to me by the recitation of the Rosary shall not perish.

6   Whosoever shall recite the Rosary devoutly, meditating the consideration of its Sacred Mysteries shall never be conquered by misfortune.  God will not punish him and will not die a sudden death.  If he is a righteous person, he shall remain in the grace of God, and become worthy of Eternal Life.

7 Whoever shall have a true devotion for the Rosary shall not die without the Sacraments of the Church.

8 Those who faithfully recite the Rosary shall have during their life and at their death the Light of God and the plenitude of His Graces.  At the time of death they shall participate in the Merits of the Saints in Paradise.

9  I shall deliver from purgatory those who have been devoted to the Rosary.

10. The faithful children of the Rosary shall merit a high degree of Glory in Heaven.

11. You shall obtain all you ask of me by recitation of the Rosary.

12.  All those who propagate the Holy Rosary shall be aided by me in their necessities.

13.  I have obtained from my Divine Son that all the advocates of the Rosary shall have for intercessors the entire Celestial Court during their life and at the hour of death.

14.  All who recite the Rosary are my Sons, and brothers of my Only Son Jesus Christ.

15.  Devotion to my Rosary is a great sign of predestination.  


1. The sinners are pardoned. 

2. The thirsty souls are satiated.

3. The ones that are limited are set free.

4. The ones that cry find joy.

5. The discontented find peace.

6. The poor are assisted.

7. The religious are reformed.

8. The nescient are instructed.

9. The living prevail over vanity.

10. The deceased reach mercy through suffrages.


1. It gradually grants us a complete knowledge of Jesus Christ.

2. It purifies our souls, correcting our faults.

3. We are victorious over our enemies.

4. It assists us in the practice of virtue.

5. It inflames the love to Our Lord.

6. It enriches us with graces and merits.

7. It provides us with means to settle our debts to God and those of our close relatives, and finally, we obtain all types of graces from Almighty God. 


On  December 26, 1957, Fr. Agustin Fuentes, Advocate of the of the Cause of Beatification of Francisco and Jacinta Marto, interviewed Sister Lucia Dos Santos, visionary of the appearances at Fátima.  During the interview, Sister Lucia told Fr. Fuentes:  "... The Most Holy Virgin said to us, as much to my cousins as to me, that 2 were the last remedies that God was giving to the world:  The Holy Rosary and the Immaculate Heart of Mary..... " 

"……. Look, Father, the Most Holy Virgin, in these times which we are living, has given a new solution to our difficulties:  the prayer of the Holy Rosary, in such a way that now there is no problem as difficult as it may be, whether personal, within our families, in the religious communities, or in towns or nations, there is no problem, I repeat, no problem no matter how difficult it may be, that it cannot be resolved by the prayer of the Holy Rosary”. 

"With the Holy Rosary, we will be saved, we will be sanctified, we will console Our Lord and we will obtain the salvation of many souls.  For that reason, the devil will do anything to distract us from this devotion; he will put a multitude of obstacles:  fatigue, occupations, etc., so that we do not pray the Holy Rosary ".  

"If they gave us a more difficult program of salvation, many souls would be condemned because they would have the pretext that they could not make this program.  But now the program is brief and easy:  pray the Holy Rosary.  With the Rosary we will practice the Commandments, we will take advantage of the frequency of the Sacraments, will try to fulfill our duties of state according to the will of God". 

"The Rosary is the battle weapon of the spiritual battles of the Last Times". 

Maria of the Holy Rosary of San Nicolás says to us: 

Feb. 3, 1985 - Nº 465  

Daughter: I want you to know, the reason of my image with the Boy and the Rosary.

The Boy, means purity and new life, since Young Jesus is the rebirth of Life, is the saving source of a thirsty soul. I am offering you the Rosary as a consolation for all your pains, necessities and pleas so that all of them are encompassed by it. . As a Mother, I listen to all of you, dear children, great is my Love for you. Amen.  

April 19, 1986 - Nº 850  

I see an enormous crown of white Rosaries.  I see the Most Holy Virgin and she says to me: You see this crown, because this is what I wish you to do, a true crown of rosaries.  

Prayer, my daughter, Prayer, how many mouths are still quiet, without at least knowing a prayer that brings them closer to the Lord. 

The Holy Rosary is the most feared weapon of the enemy; it is also the refuge for those trying to alleviate their grief and is the door to enter my Heart.

Glory be to the Lord, for the Light that he gives to the world. 

October 7, 1986 - Nº 986  

Gladys:  With the Holy Rosary, you can face any danger, since in it, Christ and the Mother of Christ are present.  It is the deep oration, the immediate communication with the Gentleman and Maria.  

It is the gift that I am giving you so that you accept it and you conserve it by means of its prayer. Amen, amen. 

August 29, 1987 - Nº the 1248  

A blessed Holy Rosary has great value, as much value as the prayer itself.

By that, I mean that being blessed, the prayer becomes a plea of love to the Lord, and he in return sends His Blessing to the praying soul. 

For that reason it is so important, to have the Rosary in your hands while saying it.

Praised be the Lord always.  

October 7, 1988  - Nº 1531  

"On this day, answer My petition:  Pray the Holy Rosary; let this be a loving answer to the Mother. The prayer, hampers the efforts of the demon, does not allow it to acts in the souls.  

The prayer of the humble soul is a love plea that, renewed, arrives like an offering to the Lord. 

Do not allow this flower, the prayer, to wilt; water it constantly.

Praised Be the Most High.

Preach it, my daughter."  

November 19, 1988 Nº 1557  

Gladys, the weapon that is most influential on evil, is the prayer of the Holy Rosary.  With this prayer, one deepens in the spiritual life; the soul grows in its love for God, and distances it away from sin.

It dissipates the shadows of the spirit and causes it to remain faithful to God.  

Please God, dear children of mine, since praying, the temptations of the evil one are rejected.

Praised be forever Lord, the Most.

Promulgate to all your brothers. 

Message of the Most Holy Virgin to Fr. Gobbi, of the Priestly Marian Movement: 

Lourdes (France) October 7, 1979

Our Lady of the Rosary  

Your Rosary. 

 "I have also brought You here, to reunite in Cenacles of prayer and life with Me, many Priests, members of religious communities, and believers.  

In these Cenacles I am truly present and join you in prayer.  

With it, you offer to the Heavenly Mother, a powerful tool to save many poor misguided children and to organize the painful events of your time, according to the maternal wish of my Immaculate Heart.  

The Holy Rosary that you recite in the Cenacles following the urgent request of your Mother, is like an enormous chain of love and salvation with which you can surround people and situations, and even affect all the events of your time. 

Keep reciting it, multiply your Cenacles of Prayer, responding to the invitation that with as much frequency and intensity has directed my first favorite son to you, the Vicar of Jesus Christ.  

Now I can use the force that comes to me from your prayers and I want to intervene like a Mother to shorten the length of time of the test and soothe all the sufferings that await you. 

Everything can still change if you, my small children, listen to my Voice, and you are united in prayer, to the incessant intercession of your Celestial Mother.  

Therefore, here where I appeared as the Immaculate Virgin, I repeat to you here that you continue with more generosity and perseverance in the prayer of the Holy Rosary.   

The Holy Rosary is the prayer that I myself came from Heaven to request. 

With it you manage to discover the ploys of my Adversary; you evade many of its deceits; you defend yourselves of many dangers that tend to you; protects you from even, and brings you closer and closer to Me so that I can truly be your guide and protection.  

As it already happened in other decisive occasions, also today the Church will be defended and saved by its victorious Mother, through the force that comes to me from you, my small children, with the frequent prayer of the Holy Rosary. 

Courage, favorite children!  Pray, trust and enter the refuge of my Immaculate Heart to comprise my victorious army.  

This is my hour and soon all the Church will be taken to a new splendor by that one to which you invoke as "Queen of the Victories".  

Words of Cardinal Ratzinger - now Pope Benedict XVI, on the Holy Rosary:  

"The historical origin of the holy rosary goes back to the Middle Ages, a time when the normal prayers were the psalms.  But at that time many people did not know how to read, which prevented them in participating in the Biblical psalms. For that reason a “salterio” was chosen, and it was in prayers to Mary with the mysteries of the life of Jesus Christ connected by beads in a necklace.  

They affect the one praying it in a meditative form, since the repetition soothes the soul, and to cling to the figure of Mary and to the images of Christ that come to us, calms and soothes the soul and grants the vision of God to the one reciting the Holy Rosary.   

In fact, the rosary sends us to that primitive knowledge in which the repetition comprise the prayer, the meditation, in which the repetition means a form to enter itself in a state of calmness.  What matters is not so much to follow with effort each rationally, but the opposite:  to let yourself be guided by the calm of the repetition, the rhythmic thing.  Especially considering that these are not meaningless words.  They bring to my great eyes and my soul images and visions and, mainly, the figure of Mary, and through her the one of Jesus. 

Those people of whom we spoke had to work hard.  When praying, they could not undertake additionally great intellectual endeavors.  On the contrary, they needed a prayer that calmed them, that distracted them, that freed them from their worries and she showed them the redeeming consolation.  I believe that the primitive experience of the history of religions, the one of repetition, the rate, the common word, the choir that carries me and elevates and fills the space, that does not torment but that soothes me, consoles and frees me, that primitive experience has been Christianized  here entirely in the Marian context and the appearance of the figure of Christ when asking people to pray with enormous simplicity, acknowledging at the time of prayer, and transcending the intellectual scope when the words reach the soul.   

I pray (the rosary) with the great simplicity, just as my parents did.  They both loved the Holy Rosary.  And this love increased as they aged.  The older we are, the less intellectual efforts that are possible, and the more an internal refuge is needed, thus to dive into the prayers of the Church.  So I pray the Holy Rosary just like they did.”

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